Dice Points | Activity Cards | Activities | Vacation Designs
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theme: Vacation, Activities, product type: Activity Cards, product class: Dice Points

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Holiday City Dice Points | Printed list3409_1 Printed Activities
🏖 Vacation
Dice Points
₹120 for 4 cards
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Role a dice and start the journey. Generally used for punctuality games played one by one. There are some key items present along with blank spaces connected in a chain. Points are associated with key items. These could e theme related words. Starting from the start point, player/guest rolls a dice and hosts keeps a coin/toffee/item only when player lands on a key item (after moving forward as the number shown on dice). If player lands on blank item then nothing is placed and game continues.
Game continues for the player till she reaches the end of chain. Points are added for the all the Key Items where player has landed.

Person with maximum and minimum points win.
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